R-adiant is your attractive face with very bright
smiles all the time
O-verjoyed is amazing family, Jack,
Anna Marie, Jennifer Lynn
W-onderful personality
welcomes everyone with wide open arms
E-nergetic and loves working
at Cullinan Properties in Peoria, IL.
N-ieces, nephews, relatives highly
regard and treat you with respect
A-nxious and excited about the
life ahead of her family on the go
D-elightful and gorgeous FASCI
model and a long-time member
S-isterly attitude to Alma,
Arlene, Chat, Cindy, Connie, Donna, Elvie
T-rue friend to Evelyn, Gina, Jhossana,
Leta, Lodgita, Lolita, Lucy
O-pens heart to Marissa, Nerissa,
Nena, Ofie, Razelle, Roe, Sarah, Sheila
N-ice, courteous to Ernie, Rene, and male
Filipino staff at Par-A-Dice
E-njoys colleagues and all family
members’ professional achievements
R-ejoiced and thanked God for
the awesome, adventurous trip to Korea
Happy 50th Birthday from Ric and
Laura Corpuz * 9-8-16